Danson Productions is an independent full service print & video creative production company. Headquartered in London, we offer worldwide service from concept development, casting, art buying, location scouting, budget negotiation, through to post production and completion. 

We are focused on providing expert moving image and stills production and executing a dedication to the creative and artistry of each project. Over 15 years industry expertise and a demonstrated history working with worldwide renowned artists and clients. Founder Kerry Danson treats each project as unique and delivers a focused, detailed oriented and sensitive service to all aspects of the project.


Included in our service, we measure the carbon footprint of each production and offer you the opportunity to purchase carbon avoidance credits in a way that aligns with your company. Please ask us for more details.

On international shoots, we include in our budget a voluntary donation of the 5% of the total flight costs of our clients to an organisation of your choice. We match this donation with a 5% contribution of our team’s flight costs to our client’s preferred organisation.


Plastics: No single use plastic on set. Our drinking stations promote reusable water bottles and coffee cups with a ban on polystyrene.

Paper: Paperless offices and paperless communication encouraged.

Set: We help all set designers and art departments to ensure all set elements are returned or recycled.


All of our catering menus are vegetarian/vegan to reduce the environmental impact, only providing meat if specifically requested. For all productions we use local catering suppliers to help reduce emissions and always look to obtain seasonal, organic options. At the end of each day, all left over fresh produce will be available for anyone to take home or given to available charities.

We supply compostable recycled cups on all sets for all crew and only use fully biodegradable coffee capsules on set.

We provide reusable water bottles, water in cans and water dispensers for all crew on every production.


We monitor this closely on set to help avoid excessive use of heating/air conditioning. We closely monitor power consumption and ask the team to switch off all possible equipment and devices during significant breaks.


Preference to suppliers following green practices, policies and green certifications.


Priority to electric and hybrid vehicles in London and wherever available. We encourage all team and crew to use greener forms of transport, car share, and we are always readily available to help plan and arrange greener transport options.


We ask the team and crew not to print call sheets, creative documents, schedules, scripts or boards, etc. unless absolutely necessary. Any document printed is on 100% recycled paper.


We only use eco-friendly, plant-based, cruelty-free cleaning products in our office and on set.